Monday 21 December 2015

3 Common Words to Avoid in B2B Copywriting

The success of your website copy depends on the right blend of language, tone and information that can resonate with your readers. B2B (or business to business) means to sell your product to other businesses instead of a specific end user. If you are writing in this capacity, here are 5 common terms and phrases to avoid from your vocabulary;
  • Really / Very
The word “really” or “very” is superfluous. If you’re using either of these in your content, it’s because you haven’t considered a better description. Easy examples are, instead of “very good”, use “excellent”. Instead of “really brainy” use “intelligent”. It’s not difficult, it just requires a little thought.
  • Top/Market Leader/Best
These three words often destroy credibility. If you bang the drum telling people you are “the best”, or a “market leader”, what else are you doing or saying to back this up? Have you got any other marketing collateral that can support these claims? If you’ve won local or national awards, or have many glowing reviews on your website or TrustPilot, then use those instead. Making sweeping statements without evidence comes across as flippant, or at worst, arrogant. 
  • I believe/I think
Unless you’re writing a blog post about future predictions, the term “I believe” forces the reader to question the confidence of the author, and the legitimacy of the content. Generate more trust with your readers by being definite about your subject matter – find some concrete facts that will lend credence to your post.

When writing effective copy, ensure that it has all the correct grammatical and informative elements that will make for an interesting read. If you are promoting services or products, make sure to keep on topic and make the reader feel as though their time has been well spent.
For professional Copywriting services, call Five Rivers on 0203 397 7545.

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